GCI has worked with cities all over the world to help them involve their residents in long-term visioning and municipal sustainability planning. The ImagineCalgary Project, a 100 year plan for Calgary, Alberta, won an award from the World Urban Forum in 2006.
Sustainable Economies
GCI has published several books and workbooks that help communities follow a planning process to strengthen their local economies and move them in the direction of sustainability and economic justice. We offer workshops on economic planning, and have several webinars online we offer for no charge.
Economic Reform
In addition to offering technical assistance for local economic development planning, GCI has drafted educational materials, produced videos, and spoken at gatherings all over the world about the key reforms that are needed to change the destructive path humanity is now on.
The Concordia Council on Student Life awarded a grant to Gwendolyn Hallsmith, our ED, for workshops on labyrinths. The workshops include talks by Prof. Sara Terreault from Concordia’s Theological Studies, Religions & Cultures, Irish Studies department about the history of labyrinths and the practice of walking, and by Susan Upham, a labyrinth guide, who will teach participants how to make handmade embroidered finger labyrinths.
Walking a labyrinth, especially those with historic sacred designs, can be a transformative experience for people, even the first time they do it. Recent scholarship on the impacts that labyrinths have for learning demonstrates the contribution the practice can make to support transformative learning.
Come and learn how this ancient, multicultural practice can enhance your learning, concentration, and insight. Free Workshops!
January 23, 2025
1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Concordia Dean’s Office Conference Rooms
6th floor, Hall Building
March 21, 2025
1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Concordia Library Atrium and SHIFT Center
SGW Campus
April 13, 2025
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Church of St. Andrew & St. Paul
Sherbrooke & Redpath Streets
Past Projects & Brief History
GCI was formed by the North/South Task Force of The Balaton Group after the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002. Our simple mission at the outset was to implement the ethics of The Earth Charter in local communities. This was to be undertaken through development projects in the global south and through policy changes in the global north.
2002 – 2004: GCI is contracted by the United Nations Environmental Programme’s International Environmental Technology Center in Osaka, Japan to produce sustainable city materials and web site access for the global south.
2002 – 2008: GCI’s first local development project in Diepsloot, South Africa worked with local youth to establish a bicycle shop, repair facility, and youth training program.
2002 – 2004: GCI organized and hosted a global conference on Sustainable Communities in Burlington, VT with over 500 people attending from 74 countries. We featured our new book The Key to Sustainable Cities and its companion workbook Taking Action for Sustainability: The EarthCAT Guide to Community Development.
2004 – 2006: GCI worked with Goddard College to develop a new master’s program in Sustainable Communities and Socially Responsible Business and prepared regular workshops for the National League of Cities, and training workshops for cities and other municipal associations in the U.S. and Canada.
2005 – 2006: GCI partnered with Natural Capital Solutions and America’s Development Foundation to produce training materials for local economic development staff in Serbia.
2006: The second Sustainable Communities conference is hosted by BALLE (now renamed Common Future), GCI launches LASER: Local Action for Sustainable Economic Renewal.
2004 – 2006: GCI worked with the cities of Newburgh, NY and Calgary, AB on long-term sustainable city plans. The City of Calgary won an award from the World Urban Forum in 2006 for their ImagineCalgary Plan.
2005 – 2006: GCI worked with the South African Local Government Association on training for newly elected and appointed local officials.
2006: GCI’s Executive Director, Gwendolyn Hallsmith, was hired by the City of Montpelier, VT as the Planning and Community Development Director. Montpelier adopted their first 100 year plan in 2010.
2006 – 2022: Nicole DiDomenico, founder of the Upendo Mmoja Project in Tanzania, joined GCI to complete an orphanage, vocational training facility, and sunflower oil processing plant in Pommerin, Tanzania.
2009 – 2011: GCI provides online distance learning for the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) on LASER.
2010: GCI and the City of Montpelier participated in the World Cities Summit in Singapore as part of the Expert Panel on Urban Biodiversity and Ecology for Sustainable Cities.
2011: GCI organized the Vermont Council of All Beings in the Vermont State House, convened by the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.
2011: GCI created Vermonters for a New Economy (originally the Vermont Monetary Policy Advisory Committee) to work at the state level on monetary reform, public banking, reparations and regeneration. This was done after the publication of Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies.
2014 – 2015: GCI worked with Michael Schuman and the Post Carbon Institute to develop a workbook for Vermonters who were interested in divesting from fossil fuels – Vermont Dollars, Vermont Sense.
2016: GCI presented at the World Water Summit in Budapest on a panel about Financial and economic implementation of water related targets in the SDG system.
2019 – 2022: GCI developed online educational materials on Universal Basic Income, Part One and Two, the Economics of Reparations and Regeneration, and Economic Systems Change.
2023: GCI contracted by The Tenure Facility in Stockholm, Sweden, for staff training and a facilitated staff retreat.
GCI has also served as the fiscal agent for these local initiatives:
Earthwalk: An outdoor educational program for elementary schools in Vermont.
Sustainability Demonstration Centre: An education and advocacy center in Guacimal, Costa Rica.
Integrated Community Resilience: A wellness program in Vershire, VT